Impact Missions strives to connect individuals and churches
as they seek to serve Christ and thrive as disciples. It really is that simple – at least on the surface. We all know that thriving as a disciple of Christ is not something to be taken lightly or something that one merely dabbles in on occasion. Being a disciple is about who we are and who we are becoming. At Impact Missions we believe that serving Christ in very practical ways is one of the best avenues to grow toward that life we seek to attain.
Our goal is to provide meaningful, trusted experiences for individuals and churches that lead to strong relationships with other disciples resulting in the love of Christ being shared and the journey of discipleship continuing.
Impact Missions accomplishes this goal through a variety of hands-on mission experiences as well as opportunities for financial support, prayer, training, and relationship. We are all on this journey together and we gladly walk alongside you knowing that we are better together than we are alone.
Impact Missions began as a “brand” for us back in 1995
when the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) held its first Impact Virginia! mission camp. These camps grew in their success, popularity, and meaningfulness and continue today as one of our hands-on opportunities for students and their leaders.