Serving Refugees at Home

You don’t have to leave the country or even your community in order to help refugees. Here at home there are organizations and individuals working together with the vulnerable people in their communities. We recommend ReEstablish Richmond (ReR) in Central Virginia, a non-profit that helps “refugees establish roots, build community, and become self-sufficient”. While ReR is not a faith-based organization, Virginia Baptist churches can put their love into action by supporting this work. It is an effective way to make a Kingdom difference where you live. Visit ReEstablish Richmond to learn more about connecting our newest neighbors to life-building tools and resources, so they can become part of the community!

Here are ways you can:


  • For our policy makers who decide how many refugees will be admitted into the United States and how they will be processed.
  • Against war and conflict around the world that cause people to flee their home in the first place.
  • For local agencies like ReR, Commonwealth Catholic Charities, or Church World Service, that provide intensive case management and ongoing support for our new neighbors when they first arrive in Richmond (or their new community)


  • $20 = 1 hour of language interpretation
  • $50 = 2 hour intake so that our outreach coordinator can learn about a family’s needs and network of support
  • $100 = 3 hour volunteer orientation and training so that church members can be prepared to work directly with refugee families
  • $200 = 5 hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction for a refugee who has never driving before
  • $500 = 12 hours of classroom instruction in refugee’s native language so they can learn driving laws and safety


  • Educate yourself about the realities of refugee experiences and barriers to resettlement as well as challenges they face.
  • Advocate on behalf of refugees at the policy level. Be a voice for those who don’t have one.
  • Connect to an organization already doing the work – how can you add strategic support to organizations that are already serving this community? More: Volunteer Opportunities — ReEstablish Richmond

Want to learn more? Check out this resource we have made for you below: