Remembering Lloyd Jackson Obituary

It is with heavy hearts we share with you that Lloyd Jackson passed away Thursday night.

Many of you knew Lloyd personally, but all of you know of the fruits of his ministry. Over the past five decades, Lloyd was instrumental in the genesis of disaster relief ministry within the BGAV family. Lloyd joined the staff of the Virginia Baptist General Board, leading our Baptist camps, mission programming with men and boys, and he soon added disaster relief to his work.

Lloyd volunteered his service with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, where he served as a member of the national steering committee, and most recently as a member of the feeding committee, along with the American Red Cross and the Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.

He was closely connected with the American Red Cross through some of the earliest Baptist feeding operations, and he continued to support the relationship between these two groups as he helped formulate the most recent Memorandum of Understanding in 2015.

“From my first weeks on the job, Lloyd was quick to offer a listening ear and point me in the right direction,” says Aaron Lee, current BGAV Disaster Response Coordinator. “He was so excited last week to learn our feeding units would be serving at First Baptist Church of Wallace, NC, because that was his home church as a boy.”

“Lloyd Jackson is, without doubt, the father of Virginia Baptist Disaster Response Ministries,” adds Dean Miller, Mission Development Team Leader and previous Disaster Response Coordinator. “His compassion and leadership has guided Baptists nationwide to serve those in need during perhaps their most vulnerable periods of life. His personal influence among the leadership of Virginia Baptists has left an everlasting mark on our lives.”

Information about a memorial service will be forthcoming. Thank you for your prayers for the Jackson family.