How to Become a Venturer


The basic provisions for all Venturers are: 

  • assistance in interpreting God’s call on the individual’s life and an appropriate response to that call; 
  • development of a position for service including job description and supervision; 
  • living arrangements; 
  • assistance with travel to and from the place of service; 
  • and a network for accountability, nurture, and counsel. 


Funding for Venturers’ expenses takes four basic forms: 

  • Venturers who serve in positions that are closely aligned with mission partnerships and strategies of the BGAV may receive expenses and a small stipend from the BGAV 
  • Venturers may receive financial resources from the hosting ministry partner. 
  • Venturers may be asked to provide for their own expenses from fund-raising or from personal fixed income (i.e. retirement). Individuals who serve in positions that are to be self-funded will be offered assistance in training and accounting for fund-raising. 
  • Venturer placements may be funded by a combination of the three options listed above. 


Qualifications for service as a Venturer are as follows: 

  • Demonstrate a lifestyle of faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior and to the will of God as basic to all of life. 
  • Demonstrate a commitment to and involvement in a local church congregation. This church should be related to the Baptist General Association of Virginia or to one of its partnering unions of churches. 
  • Demonstrate a level of personal maturity and health—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—commensurate to service in the intended field of service. 
  • Demonstrate a willingness to live and serve for six (6) months to two (2) years as a volunteer independent contractor related to the BGAV, receiving only basic living needs and, in some cases, a modest stipend. 
  • Demonstrate a sense of appreciation and respect for the diversity of cultures with whom Virginia Baptists serve. Further, agree to follow a missiology that values the autonomy of ministry partners and the primacy of their visions for God-called mission. 
  • Agree to be accountable to a field supervisor and to the Coordinator of the Venturer Program, handling differences of opinion with openness, respect and professionalism. 
  • Be at least 18 years of age. 

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