Hunger Funds
Assistance is available for your local hunger ministry through our World Hunger Funds! Learn more about eligibility for and proper utilization of these resources in the World Hunger Funds Policy. Requests and reports for hunger funds should be submitted using the online forms below.
Reports should be submitted prior to submitting a request for additional funds.
Please submit reports and requests according to the following schedule:
Quarter 1:
Requests and reports due by January 31; Check distribution February 14
Quarter 2:
Requests and reports due by April 30; Check distribution May 14
Quarter 3:
Requests and reports due by July 31; Check distribution August 14
Quarter 4:
Requests and reports due by October 31; Check distribution November 14
Questions about this process or the Hunger Ministry in general should be directed to Dean Miller.
World Hunger Offering
The BGAV established a Virginia Offering for World Hunger in 1982 and has contributed over $6.8 million in the past two decades alone. Half of these funds are used to support local and domestic ministries through the process outlined above, while the other half are distributed for global hunger relief through our partners worldwide.
Promote the Offering!
- Bulletin Insert (1 per sheet, PDF)
- Bulletin Insert (1 per sheet, PDF with QR)
- Promotional Slide (JPG)
- Offering Envelopes - please contact Travis Tyler to place an order. The envelopes are free to participating churches.