Disaster Response Helene Debrief and Planning Summit

The past several months have certainly been busy with the work supporting recovery efforts in Damascus and neighboring communities. We’re grateful for your support in that, and we look forward to continuing to serve together until the recovery work is done and beyond.

We want to take time to talk about the response to this point – what went well, what we could improve, and what we need to adapt for next time. We are hosting a debrief and vision “summit” Friday, March 7, and Saturday, March 8, to discuss the response and our best path for future responses. We’ll host the meeting at our offices in Richmond – 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294. Our goals will be to learn from this response and to build a larger leadership structure that will leave us ready to respond. We’d like to invite you to be part of the weekend. By attending you’re agreeing to offer your thoughts and suggestions from your experience. You are not committing to any particular leadership role by attending, but you will be part of shaping that structure and be able to explore any of those roles that interest you. This is not a meeting about replacing anyone in any role – it’s about expanding our effectiveness and ability to respond.

There are three ways you can participate:

In person – hotel will be provided for people from out of town.

Online – we’ll offer a zoom option and work to integrate the zoom participants into every facet of the meeting.

Separate meeting before or after. If you aren’t available that weekend, we’d like to schedule a time to hear your feedback and/or share what was discussed during the weekend.

We hope you’ll all join to help us shape our capacity to respond to the next disaster as we continue with recovery from this one.

While we are inviting a large group, we will not have invited everyone who has responded. We do ask that you not forward this invitation to others, but if you feel someone else needs to be invited, please reply to this message with your suggestions.

Please click below to let us know how you are able to participate, and we look forward to seeing you in March!