International Missions Partnerships


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A Partnership with Food for the Hungry in Central America

To make a positive difference in the world, the BGAV family is focusing on poverty in the Chinandega Region of Nicaragua. As introduced in our annual meeting in November, for that purpose we have entered into a new partnership with Food for the Hungry (FH), an organization with a solid reputation for sustainable, mutually transforming community development. They work with local, indigenous leaders, engaging in community partnerships and child sponsorships. Their goal is “to graduate communities out of extreme poverty” based on a timeline of 7-10 years

All our churches and individuals are invited to be a part of this effort, and there are four main pathways for being involved:

1. Prayer

Prayer keeps us centered in God’s leadership and helps us rise in faith to the task at hand. You can pray for the communities of Chinandega as well as for this partnership. Pray that we could begin the new year with at least 100 BGAV churches participating at some level!

2. Church-to-community partnerships

Your church can assist a specific community as they work toward graduating from extreme poverty. FH can facilitate mutually transformative service trips or visits for you to engage with your community, in which you can engage with community members as they work toward building a sustainable future.

3. Child sponsor Sunday

Host a Child Sponsor Sunday for children from the region we partner with. The welfare of its children is a good indicator of a community’s health, and everyone is served when a community is able to care for its most vulnerable members. That’s why Food for the Hungry does much of its work through child sponsorships.

4. Invest in sustainable change

 You can donate toward a specific development project in the Chinandega Region.