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5 events found.
Going Deeper | focus:poverty Webinar 1
ZoomPoverty Overview and Why We Care - Lead by Jordan Gustafson
Going Deeper | focus:poverty Webinar 2
ZoomCultural Intelligence through the lens of poverty – Lead by Maria Lynn
Going Deeper | focus:poverty Webinar 3
ZoomRed Truck Ministry at West Lynchburg Baptist Church – Lead by Rhonda Miller
Going Deeper | focus:poverty Webinar 4
ZoomFinal Webinar: Panel Discussion on Community Skills and Mutuality
Nicaragua focus:poverty Luncheon
Bon Air Baptist Church 2531 Buford Road, Richmond, VirginiaBGAV and Food for the Hungry are connecting Virginia Baptist churches with Nicaraguan communities to help them graduate from extreme poverty. This church-to-community partnership addresses poverty with sustainable development methods and healthy relationships. Join us if you would like to learn more about how God can help your church and its partner community thrive together!…