Going Deeper focus:refugees Book Discussion


Go deeper into reflection of refugee work and mission as we discuss D.L. Mayfield's book, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith. Mayfield shares an honest and encouraging look at the realities of working cross-culturally with refugees in the US and invites her readers to reconsider our understanding of mission…


Going Deeper focus:refugees Webinar


Join in with all of the previous webinar speakers for a conversation around why diversity is a blessing to the church and how we can best build relationships with a diversity of people.  


Going Deeper focus:refugees Book Discussion


Go deeper into reflection of refugee work and mission as we discuss D.L. Mayfield's book, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith. Mayfield shares an honest and encouraging look at the realities of working cross-culturally with refugees in the US and invites her readers to reconsider our understanding of mission…


Nicaragua focus:poverty Luncheon

Bon Air Baptist Church 2531 Buford Road, Richmond, Virginia

BGAV and Food for the Hungry are connecting Virginia Baptist churches with Nicaraguan communities to help them graduate from extreme poverty. This church-to-community partnership addresses poverty with sustainable development methods…
